Mad Pride Weekend/Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day

Toronto, July 11-14, 2003

July 11, Toronto City Hall

This collection of pics is an incomplete chronicle of this year's Mad Pride/Psychiatric Survivor Pride Day events in Toronto. I was unable to attend all of the events, and at some others taking pictures proved inappropriate or difficult.

For a complete listing of the weekend's events click here. To navigate, click on the next days' date at the bottom of each page.

All photos by Graeme Bacque

Survivors and distinguished guests


The Hon. James Bartleman

Lieutenant Governor, Province of Ontario


Catherine Frazee

Co-director, Ryerson School for Disability Studies


'Wedgie the Clown'

Anna Willats

Toronto Police Accountability Coalition


Cathy Crowe

Founder, Toronto Disaster Relief Committee

Sky Gilbert

Founder, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre

Don Weitz

(Insufficient room to cite this man's resume!)

Geoff Reaume gives a history lession!

Later, at the Friendly Spike studio:

Dawn D'Cruz and her daughter help feed the masses!

Saturday, July 12